Friday 26 February 2016

Gloomy Days

Hi Guys!
So the weather here is really miserable right now.Its been raining non stop so taking pictures is quite difficult. We managed to take this right before it started raining cats and dogs. So because its so ugly outside my cloths kind of reflect that. All dark colours. Im a very girly girl but i just love this minimalistic look. The dress is very comfortable and warm and the over the knee boots complete the outfit. Hope you like it.

Dress- Minkpink
Boots- from Italy

Photos by: Minhyeok Song

<div id="MTM5NjYwNw=="><a href=""><img src="" width="200" height="200"/></a></div>

Sunday 21 February 2016

Im Back

Hi guys. So Im back. Many changes have occurred since last time I wrote here. First I moved to Hungary to a small town called Szeged and secondly Im now in medical school. Im trying to keep my self busy but I have been missing blogging a lot lately. I was trying to restart it last year but couldnt find anyone to take my pictures and now Im in luck. I thought I would start small so here is what I came up with

Boots-Vintage(got them from mom)
Jacket- Zara
Pictures by: Minhyeok Song